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The Pole Family makes a comeback in Lewes, after careless driver destroyed them

Taylor Goebel
Salisbury Daily Times

Mandie Stevenson noticed the casually dressed utility pole on Del. Route 9 about four years ago. 

The Milton resident pulled over with her daughter, Emily, thinking she'd imagined it. But there he (or so the pole's gender was decided) stood, clad in a hat and sunglasses.

They took photos of the roadside pedestrian, assuming he'd be a temporary addition to their commute. But six months later, Stevenson spotted a female pole at his side. He'd met someone.

Soon after, as pole people do, the pole couple become a pole family: Stevenson saw the baby underneath them with a teddy bear.

The Pole Family has become an unofficial landmark in the Cape region. Even folks visiting the beaches in the summer would drive down Route 9 just to visit them. Their costumes — dressed by a mysterious, well-humored Samaritan — became more elaborate, from pilgrims on Thanksgiving to Santa and Mrs. Claus on Christmas. 

"We loved it," Stevenson said. "Every holiday we’d talk about what was new. I’d send pictures to my friends. We just thought it was really neat."

So when the Pole Family was taken out by a careless driver in early October, the human people of the Cape region were upset.

Pole Family destroyed:Lewes' mysterious 'Pole Family' attraction taken out by a careless driver

The family's remnants were strewn across the road's bend and into a corn field. It was the end of an era, of a beloved Lewes attraction. Or so its many admirers thought.

Two days after the accident, Stevenson came home and found two mannequins in her front yard. 

"What's going on?" she asked her husband, Josh Stevenson. 

"I'm going to make a new Pole Family," he told her.

After a careless driver destroyed a beloved Cape region attraction, a Milton man built a new Pole Family for the community.

It took Josh, who has his own wood shop, three days to construct the mom, pop and child out of foam and vacuum hoses. He'd read about how upset both residents and tourists were about the hit and run, and wanted to give the family back to the community.

The Stevensons dressed the pole man and woman as Morticia and Gomez, just in time for Halloween. Mandie donated her own costume, as they'd gone as the Addams Family the year before. They also cleaned up the debris from the wreck. 

And on the morning of Oct. 14 — a Wednesday — Wednesday Addams made her debut, completing the new Pole Family.

Mandie posted Pole Family photos on the Facebook page of her business, Mandie's Magical Marketplace.

"(Josh) did this for happiness in a negative world," Mandie posted. "We love this community and want kindness and unity to prevail!"

She signed off, thinking her customers would enjoy it. An hour later, she logged back on and saw that more than 300 people had shared it.

"That’s why we love this community," Mandie said. "People get so excited about positive things. I think it was a beautiful ending to a sad situation."

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Mandie said her husband asked DelDOT for the official OK to have the Pole Family there. The agency told the Stevensons on Friday that they should move it if they want the new Poles to be safe for years to come, in case another accident takes the family out.

Someone reached out to Mandie and kindly offered — as the Cape community often does — the Pole Family a home in their yard, right across from the original location. But for now, the family will stay where they began.

The original Pole Family located about a mile west of Five Points on Route 9 in Lewes.

Mandie and Josh said they won't be able to keep up with dressing the family, but Josh is happy to make any needed repairs. They just ask that the outfits don't get political or cause unneeded tension.

"The Pole Family represents fun and positivity during a very hard time for people," Mandie said. "With the tension from COVID and politically, I saw the community put that aside, come together and be happy. We just wanted people to be happy."